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Dry Brushing ~A Gentle Way to Detoxify & Stimulate Your Lymph System
What’s a Lymphatic System and Why Should I Clean it? The Lymphatic System is a part of our immune system and is made of white blood cells called lymphocytes and the interstitial fluid that bathe
Wellmune Research - Older Adults
Wellmune ® Reduced the Number of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and the Number of Symptom Days in Older Adults A study of community-dwelling adults aged 50 to 70 years was conducted o
Wellmune Research - Marathon Runners
Wellmune ® Reduced by 40% Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Symptoms Among Marathoners A study of 182 runners who completed the 2011 LiveStrong Marathon in Austin, Texas, confirmed previous cli
Wellmune Research - Exercise Stress
Immune Suppression Associated with Strenuous Exercise Reduced with Wellmune ® This clinical study conducted at the Department of Health and Human Performance at the University of Houston indica
Wellmune Research - Lifestyle Stress 90-Day
Wellmune ® Reduced Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Symptoms during 90-Day Lifestyle Stress Study In a study of 122 healthy volunteers (32 men, 90 women 38 + 12y), participants taking 250 mg o
Wellmune Research - Allergies
Wellmune ® Provided Significant Relief to Ragweed Allergy Sufferers A placebo-controlled, double-blinded study found that Wellmune ® reduced allergy symptoms and improved the quality of life o
Wellmune Research - CA Marathoners
Wellmune ® Reduced Fatigue and Improved Health in Marathoners Wellmune ® increased vigor and mental clarity while reducing fatigue and upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms in ma
Wellmune Research - Cold & Flu
Wellmune ® Maintained Physical Health and Reduced ‘Down Time’ During 90- Day Study In a cold season study with 40 healthy subjects, Wellmune ® reduced the incidence of fever and eliminated
Wellmune Research - Fire Fighters
Wildland Firefighters Reported Improved Health with Wellmune ® A study conducted by the University of Montana, with funding from Biothera and the U.S. Air Force, found that wildland fi
Wellmune Research - Med Students
Wellmune ® Reduced Duration of Cold/Flu Symptoms in Study of 100 Medical Students Wellmune® significantly reduced the duration of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms in a healthy
Wellmune Research - Lifestyle Stress 28-Day
Wellmune ® Reduced Health Challenges in High Lifestyle Stress Subjects Individuals with high lifestyle stress taking Wellmune® over four weeks reported a significant increase in their general
Wellmune Research - Childhood Illness
Wellmune ® Decreases Episodes of Common Childhood Illness in 1 to 4 Year Old Children During Cold Season Infections, especially upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) are common in early chi
Curcumin Resource Center
Curcumin Resource Center Here you will find links to articles, resources and studies to help you better understand Curcumin and how it works to supports immune and cellular health. References