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Wellmune Research - Cold & Flu
Wellmune ® Maintained Physical Health and Reduced ‘Down Time’ During 90- Day Study In a cold season study with 40 healthy subjects, Wellmune ® reduced the incidence of fever and eliminated
Dry Brushing ~A Gentle Way to Detoxify & Stimulate Your Lymph System
What’s a Lymphatic System and Why Should I Clean it? The Lymphatic System is a part of our immune system and is made of white blood cells called lymphocytes and the interstitial fluid that bathe
Wellmune Research - Childhood Illness
Wellmune ® Decreases Episodes of Common Childhood Illness in 1 to 4 Year Old Children During Cold Season Infections, especially upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) are common in early chi
Wellmune Research - Marathon Runners
Wellmune ® Reduced by 40% Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Symptoms Among Marathoners A study of 182 runners who completed the 2011 LiveStrong Marathon in Austin, Texas, confirmed previous cli
Wellmune Research - Med Students
Wellmune ® Reduced Duration of Cold/Flu Symptoms in Study of 100 Medical Students Wellmune® significantly reduced the duration of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms in a healthy
Wellmune Research - Fire Fighters
Wildland Firefighters Reported Improved Health with Wellmune ® A study conducted by the University of Montana, with funding from Biothera and the U.S. Air Force, found that wildland fi